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Re: apt-get

On 05/31/2010 12:49 PM, Mihamina Rakotomandimby wrote:
Manao ahoana, Hello, Bonjour,

I have some collegues (including my direct boss) insisting me to use

I dont want to.

When I ask them why, they just tell "aptitude is better than apt-get".

May be... but I'm used with apt-get and dont want to switch, and I also
Googled a bit and found a post telling apt-get has now the same level
as aptitude. But I lost that link...

What's the status?
- aptitude better?
- apt-get better?

I don't do deep package manipulation, juste update, upgrade,

Misaotra, Thanks, Merci.

Yeah i always wondered what the difference is between both of them. Hoping someone would shed some light on this matter.

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