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getting inetd to run leafnode via IPv4

Some time ago, my slrn stopped being able to talk to my local news
server, and I'm just now trying to troubleshoot it.  I suspect this has
a really obvious answer, but because I'm not at all familiar with IPv6,
I'm not seeing it.  I'm running sid, mostly up to date.

Apparently, the problem is that inetd has leafnode listening on IPv6,
but not on IPv4.  I think I need to either get slrn to work with IPv6,
or get leafnode listening on IPv4.  Actually I'd like to know how to do
both.  I'd very much appreciate any pointers you can give me.

	$ netstat -l | grep nntp
	tcp6       0      0 [::]:nntp               [::]:* LISTEN

	$ telnet :: 119
	Trying ::...
	Connected to ::.
	Escape character is '^]'.
	200 Leafnode NNTP Daemon, version 1.11.7 running at ip6-localhost (my fqdn: a.b.org)

	telnet localhost 119
	telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

This is surprising, because I thought you had to specifically tell
inetd to use IPv6.  My inetd.conf has this line:

nntp stream tcp nowait news /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/leafnode

... but neither loosening my /etc/hosts.* files nor removing tcpd from
the loop seems to help.

I'm a total newb regarding IPv6.  Currently my environment has:
... which some time ago allowed slrn to read from the local news server.

Changing to 
does not satisfy slrn:
	Connecting to host  ...
	Failed to resolve

Any suggestions?


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