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Re: Re: The future of "nv" driver

On 01/-10/-28163 02:59 PM, Mark Allums wrote:
On 4/24/2010 7:31 AM, John Hasler wrote:
Mark Allums writes:
Ah, a matter of taste, then. (Debian tastes bad with Nvidia loaded,

No. A matter of support.

Okay. But perhaps a less loaded word than "taint" could be chosen.


I always had the feeling that "tainted" was not so much meant to be derogatory as to indicate that the use of proprietary blobs introduce unknown elements into the kernel. If I brought a glass of purple water down to the local water purification plant and complained that their water tasted like grapes, they'd tell me it wasn't their problem that I'd added grape kool-aid to it. Same thing. Well, except for that fact that it's a crappy analogy.


Hmmm. Maybe Debian could set up "activation servers" that could determine whether or not we are using "genuine Debian".

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