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Re: Nouveau

On 2010-03-17 11:56, David Baron wrote:
The time has come for the open source nvidia drivers to get full Debian support. Nvidia is still publishing purported upgraded "legacy" drivers that will only work on "legacy" Xorg with no warning.

Do you not know what Release Notes are?

Their installation should kick,

What's wrong with it's perfectly functional, logical and clear TUI installation script?

the site should warn before download. This is an old story, royal pain the the you-know-where.

Only a pain if you don't know what Release Notes are, and you use a Display Manager because you're too gooey to log into a console like God Intended You To.

Keeping Nouveau in that erstwhile dri trunk means they'll never get anywhere. This trunk has been all but abandoned and most stuff there will not compile and will not work. Nouveau deserves better.

According to every story I've read, Nouveau is constantly improving. In fact, it was merged into 2.6.33.

Still, benchmarks show it trailing way behind the binary driver.

Obsession with "preserving cultural heritage" is a racist impediment
to moral, physical and intellectual progress.

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