Olaf Reitmaier Veracierta wrote:
Sorry I didn't know that. So, for the future if I need to display an image what is the solution?No pics are allowed on this list.
Maybe misconfigured swap.I can't go to terminal or X.Ok, on GRUB boot menu, type "e" add option noswap, then boot with CTRL+X. Only if the problem (as I understand) is that you can't boot your system.
I will remember that for the future. Few days before your mail i was compared with my other box and found that I don't have lots of library's so I re-installed Squeeze.Try fdisk with your pen.Thanks for any help.You're welcome, tell if it works.
Thank you for your helpful hints and responding. -- Bye, Goran Dobosevic Hrvatski: www.dobosevic.com English: www.dobosevic.com/en/ Registered Linux User #503414