Re: No audio on Acer One
* Rodolfo Medina [100301 23:12 +0100]
> Lisi <> writes:
> >> > Wireless is fine on mine. Andrei and Sebation recommended a newer wicd
> >> > and a newer kernel (> 2.6.30) from backports. Worked like a charm.
> * Rodolfo Medina [100301 16:23 +0100]
> >> What about audio? Does it maybe require a newer kernel too?
> Elimar Riesebieter <> writes:
> > Sure ;-) Best would be a 2.6.32 from bpo distri.
> So, that could be why audio doesn't work on my PC! Elimar, if you had told
> before we'd have saved time!
Hmm, stable users are somewhat paranoid from my point of view. The
most want the newest hardware running with armored, well tested and
in that case old by force software. Lets's wait and see. My advice:
Run sid!
Never make anything simple and efficient when a way
can be found to make it complex and wonderful ;-)
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