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Re: Scary article in Wall Street Journal today

It's all well and good saying "ignorant windows users" but most people
in general don't give a toss about computers as long as they work and
they can do what they want. And as for saying debian is far more secure,
in principle your right, but in reality that's still ignorant. Linux
isn't really targeted for a reason, I don't need to explain why, but
it's still possible for you to become infected, harder but still very

"Hey, install this shit and you could win big bucks" "ok ok ok, enter
root password and....OHSHIIIII computer died" people will still get
fooled by tricks as they are not computer experts and so do it. It will
always be a fact of the world, I mean I could be the best person in the
world at computers but still make a really stupid decision when it comes
to buying a house for example...and all those house experts would say on
their mailing list "what a dumb idiot"...

Also, while Debian in my opinion is more secure then RedHat based OS's,
it's not as secure as OpenBSD, so if your really paranoid, maybe you
should be using that

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