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Re: Where is Bash Prompt Set??

Apologies that this won't be properly threaded, but I just got my
subscription problems solved.

I am the OP on this thread, and have read the replies in the archive.
Looking at the bash manual I see that, for a login shell, /etc/profile
is sourced, and then ~/.bash_profile, whereas for an interactive
non-login shell, ~/.bashrc is sourced. That makes sense, so if one
wants the same prompt in both situations, just set it in .bashrc and
have .bash_profile source that.

BUT, it doesn't answer my other question: When root logs in, his
.bashrc *is* getting sourced! I thought perhaps root had a
.bash_profile set up to do so, but this is not the case. Root has no
profile. So can anyone explain the difference here?

Scott Swanson
Hain't we got all the fools in town on our side?  And hain't that a big
enough majority in any town?
		-- Mark Twain, "Huckleberry Finn"

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