Re: gnome CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor nagging for password
On Wed, Feb 03, 2010 at 04:40:00PM +0000, josé Santos wrote:
> Hi!
> Is there a way for stopping Gnome's CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor from
> constantly nagging for the root password when I want to change my cpu's
> frequency? Google wasn't much help, nor the CPU Frequency Scaling Monitor
> 2.28.0 help information on the application.
> Thank you.
There have been occasional mentions of sudo here, as if it were no big deal.
In my original learning, it is a big deal. That is, su, not sudo, is "the
Debian way," whatever that is. I've never noticed a discussion of its
approval, maybe because the mentions were secondary to the main point.
However, a *cautious* sudoers file, that absolutely does not contain
programs that represent a security risk if hi-jacked, can be a boon. Not
for of the feint of heart--at least I found it a tough learning curve.
My suoders file requires no password from me.
cpufreq-set is listed in it.
That would let a Gnome app set the governor
$ sudo cpufreq-set -g ondemand
or, my preference, put above aliases named for each governor, etc.
Kind Regards,
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