Re: Installing Debian
(Moving to debian-user)
Dear David,
The debian-release list is reserved for discussions on Debian's
release and related issues. The general users' list is at Please respond to this mail at that
On Mon, Feb 01, 2010 at 11:23:21AM -0600, David Jenke wrote:
> I have two hard drives. One hard drive (160 GB) has Windows and the
> other (500 GB) is divided into two partitions. I have Ubuntu 9.10 on
> one partition and Ubuntu 9.4 on the other partition. My boot allows
> access to both versions of Ubuntu and Windows.
> Can I override Ubuntu 9.04 with Debian and still be able to have access
> to Ubuntu 9.10 and Windows?
Yes. Debian's installer would offer you to use a boot loader (Grub),
which can detect the presence of other oprating systems, and, thus,
allow you to boot into both Debian and Windows with ease.
* gb notes that fdisk thinks his cdrom can store one terabyte
-- Seen on #Linux
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