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Re: Installing Debian

(Moving to debian-user)

Dear David,

The debian-release list is reserved for discussions on Debian's
release and related issues. The general users' list is at
debian-user@lists.debian.org. Please respond to this mail at that

On Mon, Feb 01, 2010 at 11:23:21AM -0600, David Jenke wrote:
> I have two hard drives.  One hard drive (160 GB) has Windows and the
> other (500 GB) is divided into two partitions.  I have Ubuntu 9.10 on
> one partition and Ubuntu 9.4 on the other partition.  My boot allows
> access to both versions of Ubuntu and Windows.
> Can I override Ubuntu 9.04 with Debian and still be able to have access
> to Ubuntu 9.10 and Windows?

Yes. Debian's installer would offer you to use a boot loader (Grub),
which can detect the presence of other oprating systems, and, thus,
allow you to boot into both Debian and Windows with ease.

* gb notes that fdisk thinks his cdrom can store one terabyte
		-- Seen on #Linux

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