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RE: two local networks

>I'm more expecting it to be my subnet mask that I need to change, but like I
>mentioned first, when I tried changing that I downed the whole network, which
>looks like this:

>eth0      inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

>eth1      inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
>           UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1

>Any inspiration gratefully received.


Don't change the network mask for your LAN.  It is fastest to just use a sub-interface:

1) as root:  ifconfig eth0:0 up
2) as regular user: ping the Belkin & make sure it is where you think it is, then browse to the Belkin, configure it, change it's IP to match your LAN
3) as root:  ifconfig eth0:0 down

You can routinely use sub-interfaces to handle situations like this where new equipment has a default IP address that isn't part of your normal subnet.  Using a sub-interface won't interfere with your normal LAN traffic.  Rather, you can think of them as a "virtual NIC" that is sharing the same physical network as your LAN.  The ifconfig manpage will tell you more.



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