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Re: GConf and GNOME keyring support

On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 20:02, T o n g <mlist4suntong@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Dec 2009 12:05:52 -0800, Kelly Clowers wrote:
>> So just use a Poppler based
>> program, such as Okular or Evince (or evince-gtk, which has no gconf or
>> gnome keyring support).
> What does it actually mean?
> What features are lacking thereafter?

Well, it doesn't store things in gconf, so I guess it puts
settings in a dot dir in ~home, and when dealing with
signed pdfs, it can't automagically get public keys and
whatnot (I don't know the details, I have never signed
a pdf or used one that has been signed). Also no dbus
(remote control and accessibility, I guess) and no
Nautilus integration.

Kelly Clowers

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