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Re: Network concerns and configuration draft 4

I would ask would a static ip really be able to allow the machines to reach the outer network?

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 6:55 AM, Cousin Stanley <cousinstanley@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Ok so here is the issue I have a desire to run my own linux server
> as an rt box and to do wiki web serving plus email.
> I run off of a qwest dsl setup that is feeding 4 computers that are
> all getting internet ....
> ....
> 6. I am looking for the best option for the money I like cheap
> and I like something that gives all comps access but allows me
> my file serving
> ....

John ....

 I'm also a qwest dsl user and did a fair amount of net searching
 several months back looking for a similar solution ....

 The best I remember now from those searches at the time
 is that the path of least resistance and headache might be
 to pay qwest a few extra $$$ per month for a static ip ....

 Personlly, I gave up on it and as yet haven't bought
 any static ips from qwest ....

Stanley C. Kitching
Human Being
Phoenix, Arizona

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