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Re: package management begins to annoy me

On 26 Feb 2009 22:20:58 +0100
Urs Thuermann <urs@isnogud.escape.de> wrote:


> 1. aptitude has the nice feature of marking packages that are install
>    automatically, qhich I always missed in apt-get.  But every once in
>    a while I check the installed package with
>         aptitude search . | grep ^i
>    (BTW, is there a simpler way to do this?) and I quite often see
>    installed packages, which are not marked 'A' for automatically
>    installed but which I definitely know I have never installed
>    manually.  Unfortunately, I currently don't have examples at hand.

I've seen this, too.  Just recently, I found some java stuff marked as
manually installed, which I'm certain that I did not install manually,
at least not intentionally, although I suppose that if one can
sleep-email [0], it's possible that I sleep-installed something :) Two
of the packages I found were libxom-java and bsh.  I'm not a java dev,
I'd never heard of these before, I don't have automatic installation
of recommends enabled, and the only java stuff on this system should
have been automatically installed dependencies of things like OO and


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