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Re: How to protect an encrypted file system for off-line attack?

Title: Re: How to protect an encrypted file system for off-line attack?

Jeff Soules wrote:
>> The most intrusive attacks, where an attacker has complete control of
>> the user's machine (and can therefor modify EncFS, or FUSE, or the
>> kernel itself) are not guarded against. Do not assume that encrypted
>> files will protect your sensitive data if you enter your password into a
>> compromised computer.  ...
> Seems to me that the man page is talking about two situations:
> #1. Someone has rooted your box.  In this case, your encryption can be
> bypassed, because unless your secret passphrase is actually an entire
> RSA key, the password is just a gatekeeper and everything needed to
> decrypt the fs is on the box.  A (sufficiently clever) attacker with
> root (and enough time) could modify the EncFS program itself to bypass
> the password check and just decrypt your files.

The password should be used to _encrypt_ the encryption key.   Then you're
not vulnerable to bypassing of a password check.

But, as you said, if the machine is compromised, then once you enter the
password, the data can be decrypted.

(Plain text sometimes corrupted to HTML "courtesy" of Microsoft Exchange.) [F]

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