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Serious Error in Lenny Stable: X Server doesn't works when i reboot eight or nine times

Hi, i have installed the DVD-1 Lenny stable (15 feb), and it works well. But when i try to reboot the computer eight times (more or less), the OS doesn't start anymore.

I switch on the computer, i choose my partition, username and password, ok. Now, it appears (translated to english):

There is a X server executed in :0, would you like try another number?

If I say "no", it's the same continiously. If i say "yes", the OS restart with :1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6.............................. infinitely, and it doesn't works.

What could i do? I have installed Debian Etch many times and it was working very well, without problems.

Thank you very much, I appreciatte your help.

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