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Re: Cloning methods

2009/2/8 Nagy Daniel <n.dani86@gmail.com>:
> Hi, again :) :S
> What's the best method for cloning a partition? [searching for an
> open-source software alternateive for it :P]
> I mean cloning like in norton ghost, a program that could "leave" bad
> blocks behind, when cloning, and not making a 10 GByte output file
> [like the partition size is], but just a eg.: a 3 GByte file [because
> 3 GByte was used in that partition, all other 7 GByte was free]?
> [The main goal is to install os on eg.: 15 computers, but only with
> one physically install in the "reality"]
> Thank you!

Dump / restore

Was a lot less painful than I thought it would be.


24x7x365 != 24x7x52 Stupid or bad maths?
<erno> hm. I've lost a machine.. literally _lost_. it responds to
ping, it works completely, I just can't figure out where in my
apartment it is.

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