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Re: Cannot compile gspca

On Sat, 07 Feb 2009, Sridhar M.A. wrote:

> I have installed linux-image-2.6.28-1-686 from the kernel trunk and the
> corresponding header files (after building linux-kbuild from source).
> Everything works fine except my webcam. The webcam works perfectly under
> the kernel 2.6.26-1-686 from debian/testing. 
> I have downloaded the gspca-source and when I try to compile, I get the
> following error (tried make as well as m-a) :
[ . . . ]

The gspca driver is merged into the mainline kernel for 2.6.27 and up.  Use
'make xconfig' to enable it, delete /usr/src/modules/gspca/ if it exists,
then rebuild and install the kernel package.

There is an API change though[*].  You'll need to install the 'libv4l-0'
compatibility package (backport if you're running etch) and use the
following wrapper:

----------  cut here -----------
#! /bin/bash
# Needed for gspca in kernel 2.6.27 and up
#   See http://moinejf.free.fr/gspca_README.txt
# This requires the libv4l-0 debian package (which contains the compat lib
# below).

exe=`basename "$0"`
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so "/usr/bin/${exe}"
----------  cut here -----------

Save the script as $HOME/bin/fix_webcam_app and then symlink your webcam
programs to it.  For example
 % ln -s $HOME/bin/fix_webcam_app $HOME/bin/effectv
 % ln -s $HOME/bin/fix_webcam_app $HOME/bin/camstream
or whatever.  (The script obviously assumes the original binary lies in
/usr/bin/ and will fail, modify to taste.)

[*] I still run Debian Etch.  Maybe everything has been recompiled for the
    new API and works out of the box with Lenny?  YMMV.

-- Brad

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