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Re: [OT] Debian + Virtualization > Sharing Experiences

Leandro Quibem Magnabosco 写道:

Maybe this isn't OffTopic, but I added [OT] tag just in case.

I am in charge of installing 5 VMs - Linux[2] + FreeBSD + Windows + PFSense. I figured it would be better to have ESXi installed, but the server machine is not compatible with it. That said, I am searching for the best way to implement this without using ESXi.

I am not really experienced when it comes to virtualization, so I know I could learn a lot from your advices.

What would YOU do?

Obviously, I will run Debian "under the hood", but what would you run on top of it to support 5 VMs?

Thank you for your time.
Leandro Quibem Magnabosco.

VirtualBox may be one of your choice. It's totally free. And I'm using it.
Win and Freebsd both work for me.
Just pay attention the network card configuration to meet your requirement.
But if you want it for commercial use, I don't know if it's stable enough.

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