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Re: tail broken (?!) and devices not activating

On Mon,21.Sep.09, 22:17:39, Celejar wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm seeing some really weird problems on my system.  I don't know if
> they're at all related, but I'll report them both in the same email, in
> case they are.
> 1) tail -f stops working - I see the tail of the file, but it fails to
> refresh when content is added to the file.  What on earth could be
> causing this?  This is tail from coreutils - nothing fancy, no inotify
> dependency, just simple polling of the file!

$ ls -l ~/bin/less
lrwxrwxrwx 1 amp amp 40 2009-03-13 08:58 /home/amp/bin/less -> /usr/share/vim/vimcurrent/macros/less.sh

then 'less /var/log/messages' and press F. Enjoy the pretty colors ;)

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