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Re: configuring lenny networking

Oguz Altun wrote:

I was using a guest lenny VirtualBox as my personal web server. Apache, mysql, etc... No X, no Gnome, KDE etc. Everthing was fine. The host pc was windows. I had a new pc and so moved lenny virtualbox to it by copying virtual harddisks, and VirtualBox's xml files, etc.

In the new environment, Lenny boots fine, but can not connect to internet. When I was installing Lenny the first time, I entered DNS ip myself, and it got an ip by dhcp. I can't see how I can do the same procedure without reinstalling.

As there is no internet, apt-get is useless.

So do you guys know how I should proceed?


Let me understand. You now have a physical machine, running lenny, it has a network cable connected to it, and you don't have internet?
If that's the case, then:

(assuming is a free IP address in your LAN, and is the IP of your local router LAN ip address)

# ifconfig eth0 netmask
# route add default gw

and then edit /etc/resolv.conf  giving this as the first line:

after that, you should have internet...

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