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Re: Getting network connection

On 2009-09-06 04:02, Jason Hsu wrote:
It's a wired Ethernet connection.

The procedure for getting on the Internet through the Ethernet connection in Puppy Linux is:
   1.  Make sure that your DSL modem is powered on and properly connected to both your computer and the phone line.
   2. Click on the "Connect" icon on the desktop.
   3. Select the network/wireless LAN option.
   4. Select eth0.
   5. Click on "Auto DHCP"
   6. When the configuration succeeds, save it.
   7. Select Done.

What's the analogous procedure in Debian Linux?

If you use GNOME and have a single-user mentality, then it would be to install Network Mangler (I mean Manager). Surely KDE has a similar app.

The Debian Way, though, would be to read "man 5 interfaces" and create an /etc/network/interfaces file that looks something like this:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
allow-hotplug eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
### END

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