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Re: Musings on debian-user list

Ron Johnson Wrote

On 2009-07-28 13:09, Mark wrote:
    When I feel adventurous one weekend I'll try a Debian install without the
    desktop environment.
But what will you *do* with it? Mutt will frustrate you to no end, and the intarweb has become too graphics-oriented to make lynx/elinks widely useful.
Some of us run servers :-)

I've been running headless Debian servers for years, never used anything but a command line to manage them.

I guess I could run X-Windows remotely, but never really saw a need to - ssh to a command prompt is just fine.

Now, if I used Debian for my desktop environment, that might be a different story, but I got sucked into Macs a long time ago.


In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
In practice, there is.   .... Yogi Berra

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