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Re: Sid: Grub2 faling to boot: Unknown device UUID

Curt Howland wrote:
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Hi. Up-to-date Sid.

On boot, Grub lists the correct kernels. "update-grub" tells me that everything is a-ok.

But when it tries to load, I get the error that "device (shows UUID from /boot/grub/grub.cfg) not found"

Editing the grub command line to take out the UUID code does no good, then it just gets more and more confusing errors.

I guess I could downgrade GRUB back to GRUB-legacy, if that's the only way around this. Thank goodness for Linux liveCDs and chroot.

Any other suggestions how to make GRUB give itself correct information?


I also had problems with uuid and just disabled it (you need to give the appropriate device file though instead, such as root=/dev/sda1). Not sure how I disabled it (not next to my linux box at the moment) but try looking for a uuid option under /etc/default/grub2 or /etc/grub2 or something similar (not sure where the settings are, try looking at the comment at the start of /boot/grub/grub.cfg or find my earlier mail in this thread)

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