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Re: [OT] GNU - Linux and Debian.......

On Wed,22.Jul.09, 13:25:00, Charlie wrote:
> Just a general off topic query.
> I was recently informed that my signature had a problem rendering correctly on 
> someone's mailer - deliniter incorrect - 

The delimiter (<dash><dash><space>) is ok, but then you have an empty 
line and some more text. At least mutt will show that in the normal 
color (as in "not a signature"). Maybe you should try to keep your 
signature shorter?

If you worry about nettiquete please also wrap your lines to *less* than 
80 characters. 72 is a good number, allowing also for several levels of 

> and was told that my signature "Linux Debian" should read "Debian 
> GNU/Linux" because: "considering that the majority of it is provided 
> by GNU."

GNU stands for "GNU's not UNIX" and was always meant to be a free 
operating system, while Linux is a kernel. You could think of it like: 
the GNU operating system with the Linux kernel, but whatever you name 
it, neither can work without the other, so yes, the correct name would 
be some combination of GNU+Linux.

OTOH, a modern *desktop* operating system without X and a DE/WM is not 
very common, so maybe the correct designation should be (in my case) 
"GNU/Linux Xorg/Xfce"?

> I have added GNU - but it may be silly? My own prejudice was that Linux was 
> first so should be first, that without it there would be no Debian? Or as I 
> asked my correspondent, who never replied, would there have been an OpenBSD 
> Debian or something like that? Then should GNU go before Debian or after? Or 
> not be there at all? Even if most comes from GNU Debian is the one that 
> creates it so?

Debian is working on GNU/Hurd (GNU+Hurd kernel) and GNU/kFreeBSD 
(GNU+FreeBSD kernel). I haven't heard of any plans to make a 
FreeBSD/Linux or similar combination as it seems the GNU tools are 
easier to port to a different kernel then the other "tools".

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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