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Re: [OT] GNU - Linux and Debian.......

Charlie wrote:
Just a general off topic query.

I was recently informed that my signature had a problem rendering correctly on someone's mailer - deliniter incorrect - and was told that my signature "Linux Debian" should read "Debian GNU/Linux" because: "considering that the majority of it is provided by GNU."

I have added GNU - but it may be silly? My own prejudice was that Linux was first so should be first, that without it there would be no Debian? Or as I asked my correspondent, who never replied, would there have been an OpenBSD Debian or something like that? Then should GNU go before Debian or after? Or not be there at all? Even if most comes from GNU Debian is the one that creates it so?

I'm just interested and imagine there will not be a definitive answer to this at all.

Be well,



If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
                                       -- Albert Einstein

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