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Re: HIDS recommendations?


Never tried it, but looked at it a few times.



On Sat, Jul 11, 2009 at 08:18:38PM -0400, Andrew Reid wrote:
>   Hi all --
>   I run a small network of several hosts, mostly Debian, and 
> I've become frustrated with the host-based intrustion detection 
> system I'm using.  It works, but the GUI tools is very slow,
> and package/security updates generate a lot of noise.  We're
> expanding the number of hosts we monitor, and it seems to be
> scaling poorly.
>   In my ideal world, I'd like a Debian-smart integrity
> checker.
>   Basic features:
>  - FOSS.  I don't mind paying money for support or docs,
>      but I'd like the code to be open.
>  - Separate central monitoring host, integrity agents on 
>      client hosts.
>  - Tunable/configurable to ignore rapidly-changing files,
>      give low-severity for enlarged/rotated log files,
>      good SUID and world-writable detection.
>   Desirable features:
>   - A fast, intuitive GUI that lets me isolate false positives
>       quickly (you can never tune these things perfectly),
>       and preferrably allows browsing by directory tree.
>   Dream feature:
>   - Debian-smart, so when I do security updates, it automatically
>       white-lists the files changed by the package manager, and  
>       doesn't bug me about them.
>   I have direct experience with Samhain/Beltane/Yule, tripwire,
> and recently road-tested ossec.  They all do the basic features,
> and S/B/Y and ossec have web-based GUI interfaces, but they seem 
> clunky to me, and scale poorly -- I end up manually scanning huge
> lists of violations by eye, looking for the change that's *not* in 
> the /usr/changed-package/zillion-files tree, which is error-prone.
>   Searching the Debian package lists, I see references to "osiris"
> "aide", and "prelude", although prelude appears to be more of a 
> combined log-analyzer and network IDS, and what I really want is a
> file-system integrity tool.  
>   A good GUI for tripwire might meet the need, and I'd also be 
> interested in people's experience with other tools, particulary for 
> monitoring about 50 hosts.
> 					-- A.
> -- 
> Andrew Reid / reidac@bellatlantic.net
> -- 
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Eric Gerlach, Network Administrator
Federation of Students
University of Waterloo
p: (519) 888-4567 x36329
e: egerlach@feds.uwaterloo.ca

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