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Re: Are there any major issues with Debian testing?

thveillon.debian ha scritto:
ZephyrQ wrote:
Just picked up a BBuy cheapo that I will lather/rinse/repeat and put Deb
 on...just wondering if testing has any major issues that I should be
aware of before I make the jump (my main system runs stable).

Hi, I have been running testing since Etch, and if most of the time
everything is running just fine (watch apt-listbugs and
apt-listchanges), I did occasionally run into some tricky breakage (xorg
related mostly, multimedia packages too).
Right now I have "mktemp" package obsolete in Squeeze, and labeled
"dummy" in Unstable, but if I remove it the system is broken since the
coreutils package that should bring a mktemp replacement isn't yet in
Testing... (see mktemp bugs tracker)
That's the kind of things you might encounter, be ready to diagnose/fix
it and you'll be a happy Testing user as I am.



sudo apt-get install reportbug
==> it will warn you of known bugs everytime you install/upgrade, so you can avoid broken versions (the idea being that broken stuff gets noticed by debian veterans running sid)

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