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Re: "X includes" missing

On Mon, 6 Apr 2009, Emanoil Kotsev wrote:

Date: Mon, 06 Apr 2009 21:59:48 +0200
From: Emanoil Kotsev <deloptes@yahoo.com>
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: "X includes" missing
Resent-Date: Mon,  6 Apr 2009 20:01:21 +0000 (UTC)
Resent-From: debian-user@lists.debian.org

Andrew Reid wrote:

On Sunday 05 April 2009 14:09:50 Itay wrote:
I am trying to install the latest stable digikam (0.9.5) from source.
(Because stock digikam on lenny, 0.9.4,  has some issues in handling

./configure bailed with:

 checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. \
 Please check your installation and add the correct paths!

Could you please get me started: where should I find
"X includes", and what would be the debian-way to add them?

  The debian way is to have include files in a package
whose prefix is the same as the libraries, but with the suffix

  In this case, installing the package "xorg-dev" and its dependencies
will almost certainly solve this problem.

-- A


I think it's really strange. I don't know how familiar with the make process
Itay is, but as far as I know (and I think I'm not a newbie) one should use
pkg-config to get the proper setup. So, look what happens running
pkg-config here (system is debian lenny just recently upgraded from sarge
over edge)

Using Andrew's advice helped me to pass through two barriers: the above-mentioned "X includes" and a similar complaint about QT libraries.

Then comes the 3rd one:

checking for KDE... configure: error:
in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed.
This will fail.
So, check this please and use another prefix!

I got the same message when running a bare configure and
configure --prefix=/usr  ('/usr' is a guess).

To get a clue I tried using pkg-config (of which I learned from you):

bilbo:~# pkg-config --cflags kdebase
Package kdebase was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `kdebase.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'kdebase' found

Hmmmm, aptitude insists that I have kdebase installed:

bilbo:~# aptitude show kdebase
Package: kdebase
State: installed
Automatically installed: no
Version: 4:3.5.9.dfsg.1-6

What now?
How could I satisfy ./configure's hunger for  KDE headers?


ln::25 emanoil@lisa:~$ pkg-config --cflags xorg-server
-I/usr/include/xorg -I/usr/include/pixman-1
ln::26 emanoil@lisa:~$ pkg-config --libs xorg-server

ln::27 emanoil@lisa:~$ pkg-config --libs x11
ln::28 emanoil@lisa:~$ pkg-config --cflags xorg-server
-I/usr/include/xorg -I/usr/include/pixman-1

You notice that the thing is reporting libraries for one package and
includes (cflags) for the other.


I've never tried to compile (except kernel and alsa) on this system since
upgrade. In fact, Itay, when I started compiling with debian it took some
time to get use to and learn fixing things like this, don't give up ;-).

Thanks for the encouragement -- I need it at the moment :-)


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