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Re: configure firewall in etch

Alex wrote:
It's no need to send one e-mail multiple times, and please set your
system date and time acordingly
You can find out your ip address using a script like  this

ip=`ifconfig ethX | grep "inet addr" | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d addr:`
echo Your ip on ethX is $ip

where X is the number of your ethernet interface that you want to find
out its ip
Just a little update on that script, to allow for non eth interfaces...

ip=`ifconfig $1 | grep "inet addr" | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d addr:`
echo Your ip on $1 is $ip
This should allow for passing the interface, i.e. ./findip.sh eth0  or if this is on a DHCP assigned address like a PPPoE, ./findh.sh ppp0.
I'm going to add it to my post-update script for my ppp0 interface to update some routing tables, and to kludge in some DDNS entries...

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