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Re: MagmaLinux 9.3 has benn released

2009/3/22 Nuno Magalhães <nunomagalhaes@eu.ipp.pt>
>> We are glad to anounce the release of MagmaLinux 9.3

Good for you, there's a list called debian-announce. You could even
get away with debian-user and debian-news, but what's the point of
spamming 10+ debian lists to announce this? Several of the lists you
used are not in english, yet your message is english only. And no
link, you had to have someone request it. And it's apparently not
debian-based, it's debian... wtf?

I agree with Nuno. How come you call it 'It is just Debian'? Care to explain?


Umarzuki Mochlis

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