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Re: OT: file system versus databases

If it works for you, why change?

Lets face it not every problem needs a relational database, if you do not need
atomic transactions and crash recovery as examples of what a DBMS system
will do better than file systems.  Furthermore, you may be able to save some
space by eliminating redunent information either in the path (can the same
name be associated with 2 different countries), or in the files.

On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 9:28 PM, Mag Gam <magawake@gmail.com> wrote:
I was curious why this was faster:

At our company we store close to 50TB of  certain transaction data and
we stored it on a UNIX filesystem raw without any DBMS help.

For example:
and so on...
We have close to 500 million entries in this format.

When we do a read() on a file, its very fast and we enjoy it. Would we
get a similar performance if we use a database and index it?


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