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RE: Module-assistant error when installing fglrx ATI proprietary driver. (Debian Sid).

________________________________> Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 22:26:09 +0100> Subject: Module-assistant error when installing fglrx ATI proprietary driver. (Debian Sid).> From: parlamca@gmail.com> To: debian-user@lists.debian.org>> Hi, I'm trying to install the last ATI proprietary driver which I've downloaded from AMD webpage. I did a "sh ati-driver-installer-9-1-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Debian/sid" and installed the resulting DEB packages with dpkg.>>> Then, I've run "module-assistant prepare" and "module-assistant auto-install fglrx", without much luck. The last command failed with the following output:>> Can you help me troubleshoot this?>>Hi,unless you really must use 9.1 I'd suggest following the wiki for the 8.12 and Lenny at:http://wiki.debian.org/ATIProprietaryI have this driver setup and running really well with a HD2400.On the other hand if 9.1 is your only option then I hope someone else can advise...--Lalit DhiriLinux the root to no GPFs

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