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Re: Scrolling works in vim by default in gnome-terminal but not in mrxvt

Countable Infinity wrote:
Experiment 1
1. Open gnome-terminal
2. Run vim
3. Run command :help in vim
4. Use scroll wheel of the mouse to scroll
5. Scrolling happens successfully

Experiment 2
1. Open mrxvt
2. Run vim
3. Run command :help in vim
4. Use scroll wheel of the mouse to scroll
5. Scrolling does NOT happen successfully
6. Rn command :set mouse=a in vim
7. Scrolling happens successfully

Could you please tell me why this difference occurs?

I believe g-t maps scroll actions to <Up> and <Down> keys. Try mapping <Up> or <Down> in vim to something and you will find that the mapping is activated when you use the scroll button.

This feature is not present in the etch version of g-t. Must have been introduced after that.


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                                       -- Albert Einstein

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