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Re: procmail rule to filter debian-user

Ron Johnson <ron.l.johnson@cox.net>:
>  If you aren't wedded to procmail for some other reason, then maybe 
>  maildrop would be more to your liking, since it has a much simpler 
>  syntax.  Here's my maildrop rule for filtering d-u mails:
>  if ( /^X-Mailing-List:.*<debian-user@lists.debian.org>*/ )
> {
>       to "Maildir/.Lists.Debian.User.2008q3"
> }

For completeness, that's not much less complex (aka line noise) than
my procmail rule, and mine splits each debian list into its own mbox,
and handles newsfroup backscatter:

  # ------------------------------------
  # debian-${MATCH}
  # The MATCH operator \/ matches whatever the regexp that follows
  # it matches.
  * 1^0 ^X\-Mailing\-List:.*debian-\/[a-z.-]*
  * 1^0 ^Newsgroups:.*debian.\/[a-z.-]*
  * 1^0 ^Cc: debian-user@lists\.debian\.org
    LOG="debian-${MATCH} - "

I've been recommending noobs try maildrop first for years.  Procmail
may be a howitzer where a shiv is needed.  :-)

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
(*)    http://blinkynet.net/comp/uip5.html      Linux Counter #80292
- -    http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1855.html    Please, don't Cc: me.

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