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Convert HTML document to use relative links ?

Is there is program to make all links relative in HTML documents
saved in wget -x fashion ? (http://foo.com/a/b.html saved as

For example,

- if ./foo.com/a/b.html contains <img src="/images/d.jpg">
  and                             ./foo.com/images/d.jpg
  exists, replace that tag     <img src="../images/d.jpg">

- if ./foo.com/a/b.html contains <a href="http://bar.org/c.html";>
  and                                          ./bar.org/c.html
  exists, replace that tag by     <a href="../../bar.org/c.html">

I know about wget -k and it doesn't do what I need. My goal is use
wget or some such to have an exact mirror of the web site and then
make a _copy_ of the mirror that can be navigated off-line.

Thanks in advance.

André Majorel <http://www.teaser.fr/~amajorel/>
bugs.debian.org, a spammer's favourite.

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