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Re: resetting ssh after blacklist?

From:  Unruh <unruh-spam@physics.ubc.ca>

        In linux.debian.user you write:
        >Google isn't helping me right now with this, and the update notice
        >doesn't show a procedure, AFAICT, for redoing ssh between my gateway and
        >primary desktop at home.  The firewall/gateway allows connections only
        >from the desktop machine, and that is ssh.
         I am afraid that although you know how the machines are connected, what
        kind of machines they are, where your "dateway" and "desktop" are, etc, we
        do not. redoing?  firewall/gateway? Is that the same gateway?

Sorry... my desktop is Debian Sid, The gateway/firewall is Etch on an
old Athlon 700.  They're connected by standard ethernet.  

The most recent updates for me for ssh addressed the Debian-specific
openssh key problems.  This happened on both machines.  I recreated new
rsa public/private keys on the desktop, put the public one onto the
gateway as ~/.ssh/authorized_keys and tried to reestablish connections
between the two.  This was unsuccessful.  

This is the gist of the rest of my message, below.

        >I regenerated rsa keys for myself, transported the public one to
        >~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the gateway, and removed the known-hosts file.
        >I cannot connect.  The keys have password phrases attached as well.
        No idea what you are doing, or what the situation is. 
        >Would someone please help this "old fella" with the missing step?  I
        >touch that machine about once in a blue moon wrt this sort of thing, so
        >it's not second-nature to me.  
        Please describe exactly what you are doing.

I hope the above clarifies this.  Please let me know if you need other
information.  My last email to the list included the output of 
	ssh -v blackGate
from the desktop.


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