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Re: Ice Weasel

dick thompson wrote:
No problem with partition space. I am using a 20GB partition with a 4 GB swap space.

Will try the other suggestions when I get back on Debian tomorrow.

Kent West wrote:
Ron Johnson wrote:
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On 02/24/08 17:00, dick wrote:
However, when it comes to Iceweasel, it spends more time dropping out
that it does working. It will work for a couple of screens and then drops out. You can bring it back and it will work for a couple of
screens and then drops again.  I know that there are a lot of things I
can do with Debian and it will work great.  I also use Mepis which is
based on Debian and have no problems with it at all.  However, Debian
itself and Ice Weasel in particular make it almost not worth using
Debian at all.

I am using Debian Sidux and have also tried Etch in the past and have
had the same problems with them both.  I am using an Intel Duo Core 2
processor E4400. Ubuntu, Mepis, BlueWhite64, Sabayon all work great and
with no problems.

Are we supposed to fscking prostrate ourselves before your mighty
Linuxness?  Kiss off jerkwad.

Easy there, Cowboy. He's frustrated, and he's let us know the problem is unique to Debian. No reason to go all "jerkwad" on him; I've grown to expect more maturity from you than that. I'll assume you're having a bad day.

When I first read your post, Dick, the first thing that came to mind is drive space. You're not running low on any of your partitions, are you? ("df -h" is your friend)

Also, you might try creating a brand new user and logging in as that user and see if the problem exists there also.

You might also try running Iceweasel in Safe Mode to see if that has any effect.

To all,

I went through a number of check with the latest running on my customized Linux GX200 2.6.22jlcv010 #1 Thu Feb 14 10:22:42 CET 2008 i686 GNU/Linux basically based on 2.6.22-6.lenny1. Unfortunately my configuration is definitely having some issue when browsing pages with flash/sound content. It happen too often that after leaving one of those pages I have to kill Iceweasel to get control back (i.e. within MySpace Music for instance). I noticed that even fonts in the small Widget player of MySpace music aren't properly displayed (I get flat ____________ characters). To overcome this I tried the following, since I read another thread about potential issues with pango:
10:26 GX200 ~ # dpkg -l lib{pango,cairo}\* | awk '/^[^D|+]/{print $1,$2,$3}'
un libcairo <none>
un libcairo-dev <none>
un libcairo0.5.1 <none>
un libcairo0.5.1-dev <none>
un libcairo0.6.0 <none>
un libcairo0.6.0-dev <none>
un libcairo0.9.0 <none>
un libcairo0.9.0-dev <none>
un libcairo1 <none>
ii libcairo2 1.4.14-1
pn libcairo2-dev <none>
un libcairo2-doc <none>
un libpango-common <none>
un libpango-dev <none>
un libpango-doc <none>
un libpango0 <none>
un libpango0-dev <none>
ii libpango1.0-0 1.18.4-1
ii libpango1.0-common 1.18.4-1
pn libpango1.0-dev <none>
pn libpango1.0-doc <none>
10:26 GX200 ~ #

So I did:
#dpkg-reconfigure libcairo2 libpango1.0-common

and an

#fc-cache -fs

But nothing actually changed.

I'm using Xfce 4 Desktop Environment version 4.4.2 (Xfce 4.4) and maintain all free Debian packages on a daily basis.

Running in -safe-mode didn't really help, at least for font issue and lockup...

I would like to help but don't know what shall be reported to actually assist.

Best regards,

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