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Re: icedove continues to crash regularly

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On 02/20/08 05:57, Adam Hardy wrote:
> Ron Johnson on 19/02/08 14:57, wrote:
>> On 02/19/08 06:10, Adam Hardy wrote:
>>> Another bug? Or my system?
>> Since you're the only one who seems to be having these problems, I'd
>> start looking at your box.  Specifically, bad RAM is what I'd first
>> test for.
> I ran several iterations of memtest86 without errors on my RAM.
> I updated all packages in etch to today.
> Icedove just crashed again. I remember I had a problem like this a
> couple of years ago with the mozilla suite email reader, which kept
> crashing every time I opened a mangled Russian or Korean spam email, and
> unfortunately it was completely unreproducible and was never solved by
> the mozilla bug squashers. (When I tried forwarding the dodgy email to a
> developer, it wouldn't have the same effect). Hopefully this isn't the
> start of something similar.

This is why I like to store my email in a "vendor-neutral" location
like an IMAP store.  That way, if one MUA starts acting up or I get
frustrated with it or get bored or x.org is borken, I can easily
switch to another MUA and keep on functioning.

Now if I could only get ldap working on my little unregistered

- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

PETA - People Eating Tasty Animals
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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