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Re: ssh time to see if remote server is up

Thomas Karpiniec wrote:
>> If I try to ssh to a remote server which is down, SSH takes some minutes
>>  to determine if it really up or not. Does SSH have an option to fix
>> this  time interval during which ssh client is trying to make a
>> connection to the remote server?
> Take a look at the ssh_config(5) manpage, specifically the
> ConnectTimeout option. The ssh(1) manpage shows how to use this on the
> command line if you'd rather set it there. Manpages are good.

Yes, I understand. I did see the man page though, and did search for
'time' and did get the variable. My mistake was that I did not try it
myself. A cursory search on google told me it had to do something with
connection being timed out if there was no transfer. My additional
mistake for not following it up; in hindsight that was wrong understanding.

But I only checked 'man ssh' and that does not explain the meaning of
the variables. Did not occur to me to check manpage for ssh_config. I
thank you for mentioning this, it will be quite helpful in the future. I
also thank Jeff for pointing that out.



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