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Re: WPA connexion problem with Debian EeePC on model 701

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 22:48:06 +0100, Jeremie Le Hen wrote:
> Hi list!
> (Please Cc: me when replying, as I'm not subscribed.)
> As you've already guessed, I've installed Debian EeePC on my Asus EeePC
> 701.  It works pretty well, though it's slower than the original, crappy
> and deprecated Xandros clone provided out of the box.
> Unfortunately, I can't connect to my WPA network at home, I don't
> understand why.  This worked like a charm at a friend's home on his
> own AP, but not with mine.

Can you clarify this statement, please: Do you mean that this
configuration worked on your friend's hardware or do you mean that
you could connect with your own EeePC to your friend's AP?

> Here is the wpa_supplicant.conf:
> % network={
> %         ssid="tipiupiuropiupiu"
> %         scan_ssid=1
> %         key_mgmt=WPA-PSK
> %         auth_alg=OPEN
> %         #proto=WPA
> %         #pairwise=TKIP
> %         #group=TKIP
> %         psk="...";
> % }
> Note that I've also tried with the commented line, it doesn't change anything..
> I've attached my wpa_supplicant.ath0.log with debugging turned on.
> Any clue would be welcome!

Can you see your own AP if you run as root:

iwlist ath0 scan


If you can see your AP, post the output here. (Remember to replace
confidential data with a generic placeholder.)

Most likely you will have to explicitly specify the correct pairwise and
group setting. So far I have always been successful by simply copying
exactly what is in the output of the above iwlis command. (I do not have
any experience with your specific hardware, so there might be additional
caveats, but starting from the iwlist information should be a good
strategy in any case.)

Regards,            | http://users.icfo.es/Florian.Kulzer
          Florian   |

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