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xft description of a font

I am running compiz (using fusion icon) for some unknown reason at the moment
and for some reason if I run urxvt without xft fonts then occationally it stops
drawing some of the text properly (messes it up)

so to keep things short, I'm looking for how to describe my favorite font as a
xft font

I currently have in .Xresources:
URxvt.font: -*-fixed-medium-r-*-*-16-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1
which i believe should translate to an etl font
how do i translate it to something that would work with -fn command line as the
following doesn't produce the desired font
urxvt -fn "xft:family=Fixed:foundary=etl:weight=medium:pixelsize=16.0" -rv


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