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Re: Nvidia, apt-get & Synaptic

Jack Schneider wrote:
On Tue, 28 Oct 2008 11:52:43 -0500
MLewis <cajun@cajuninc.com> wrote:

I'm new to the list and Debian, but not new to Linux. I have been running RH for 10+ years and recently was very impressed with Debian and decided to make the switch. Congrats to the team that puts Debian together, it looks like a well thought out distribution. Also, thanks much for an update method that doesn't require a six-pack to get

I'm running Lenny Beta2.

Two questions:

Nvidia - I have an Nvidia Geforce 6600LE video card in my machine. I understand that it is better to run 'nvidia' or 'nv' drivers than to
get the binaries from Nvidia (However no glx mode). I have looked for
the nv & nvidia drivers on my machine and apparently do not have them:

rattler:/etc/postfix$ dpkg -S nv.ko
linux-image-2.6.26-1-686: /lib/modules/2.6.26-1-686/kernel/drivers/ata/sata_nv.ko
rattler:/etc/postfix$ dpkg -S nvidia.ko
dpkg: *nvidia.ko* not found.

I've tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but that didn't help either. What package do I need to install to get the nv & nvidia drivers?

Synaptic vs apt-get: Is there a difference in these two packages
other than one is a GUI and one is CLI? If so, is one method
preferred over the other?


Hi, Mike

Try this link :


Len watches this list so you might ask him if you have further questions


Thanks for the link Jack. Very good instructions, but I'm missing
something. When I do dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg I am not asked about
any video options at all. Something I must have missed along the way.


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