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Re: security question

On Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 08:12:53PM +0300, Bogdan wrote:
> Paul Johnson wrote:
>> Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
>>> On Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 07:51:38PM +0300, Bogdan wrote:
>>>> Although I don't like it, the bank i work with only offers Internet 
>>>> Banking that works only under Internet Explorer. So, unfortunately, 
>>>> if I want to check out my account I see myself obliged to boot 
>>>> Windows :(. I know that IE can be installed through wine but no one 
>>>>  seems to guaranty safety... Would IE installed on my Debian be 
>>>> less safe than the one running in it's native environment? If yes, 
>>>> why would that be so?
>>> I wouldn't trust IE to do banking in any event.
>>> Actually, I don't trust any internet banking.  I go to the bank, the
>>> bank's machine, or I phone them.
>> I don't even trust ATMs if they run Windows.  Which pretty much
>> eliminates the possibility of me ever banking with Bank of America or
>> Wells Fargo.
> Hey guys,
> Thanks for your answers!
> Although i really like my bank, I considered switching because of this  
> reason, but as far as I can tell, there is only one bank in Romania that  
> offers Internet Banking with Firefox :(, and I don't like it.
> I'm thinking on mailing my bank on the issue... but I guess it won't  
> make any difference.
> Oh well... a lot of people still think Linux is some fruit and Firefox  
> some weird animal :).

Considering the increasing market share of Firefox and co. 
(especially with young folks who the banks most want as customers),
banks that do not support other broswers are fools.

So you should start with checking the support of Firefox and other
browsers with other banks. And actively threaten to move your account

Two years ago only one of the major 5 banks in Israel had good support
for Firefox, and another one had a buggy but working one. Now all 5 have
at least "buggy but working one". Banks generally move slow: it takes a
lot of time for hem to test a new site. So if they tell you "we're
working on it" you may be able to believe them. But "we're working on it
and it will probably be ready on ___" is a better answer.

Tzafrir Cohen         | tzafrir@jabber.org | VIM is
http://tzafrir.org.il |                    | a Mutt's
tzafrir@cohens.org.il |                    |  best
ICQ# 16849754         |                    | friend

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