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Re: [SOLVED] Re: how adjust toolbar fonts in iceweasel?

Florian Kulzer wrote:
On Sat, Oct 18, 2008 at 07:06:37 -0500, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
hello all,

I use Iceweasel with icewm (no DTE).  I've temporarily switched from my
21" monitor to a very small one and the fonts on e.g. the toolbars in
iceweasel are too big.  For Konqueror I found some K settings app to
change those fonts.  Is there a simple app to install to change them for
Iceweasel?  I don't want to have to install a GTK DTE just to change
some settings.


SOLVED: 	gtk-qt-engine

	since I run konqueror and it depends on kcontrol, gtk-qt-engine
	allows me to adjust the gtk settings with kcontrol.

And those of us not using Konqueror?
I only use Konsole + K3b of the set.
I installed gtk-qt-engine. How does one get to it? (Is one gotten by it?)

I think you have to install kcontrol to configure gtk-qt-engine. This
will pull in some more packages that are not required by Konsole and

kdebase-data       |  1083kB  |  2724kB
kicker             |  2254kB  |  7332kB
libfontenc1        |  19.1kB  |  86.0kB
libgl1-mesa-glx    |  176kB   |  590kB
libgl1-mesa-swx11  |  1003kB  |  2859kB
libglu1-mesa       |  217kB   |  553kB
libraw1394-8       |  27.5kB  |  77.8kB
libssl0.9.8        |  975kB   |  2408kB
libusb-0.1-4       |  21.6kB  |  98.3kB
usbutils           |  162kB   |  532kB

(The first number is the download size and the second one is the install

You probably have most of the lib* ones already, but installing
kdebase-data and kicker just to configure gtk applications seems a bit
ridiculous to me.

These three lines work for me in ~/.gtkrc-2.0:

style "user-font" { font_name="Bitstream Vera Sans 11" }
widget_class "*" style "user-font"
gtk-font-name="Bitstream Vera Sans 11"

It seems that iceweasel sets its menu font according to gtk-font-name,
but it probably cannot hurt to set all widget classes to the same font
to ensure uniformity. (I tested this with iceweasel 3.0.3-2 and without
gtk-qt-engine being installed.)

Actually it's:

The following NEW packages will be installed:
  kcontrol kdebase-data kicker libkonq4

and only 16MB. Now am I going to do it or not?


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