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Re: Lenny users: attn about Gnome/libxml2 breakage

I realize that the suggestion I wrote about undoes a security fix. So, don't do what I said, do something different (what about going outside and enjoying a walk?). Well ok, the issue said to be fixed is only a DoS (of course ironically it introduces another DoS ;).

Thanks in advance to the security team for fixing the fixes.


Christian Jaeger wrote:
Today I did the usual dist-upgrade for my "testing" install, and it left me with a badly broken (from user's perspective) installation, because basically all Gnome applications stopped working. After a bit over 2 hours worth of investigation, I've found out how to solve the issue; since I first looked here and didn't find anything gnome related, I'm sending this to the list for the casual other victim.

Symptom: Gnome apps just hang, without outputting anything to stdout/stderr (or .xsession-errors if started through the menu).

Problem: the apps segfault inside libxml2, and thereafter enter a deadlocked state in a mutex (or in a select call); the former is apparently a bug in libxml2, the latter seems to be the Gnome functionality to pop up a windows which seems to have an issue on it's own (so it's really two bugs happening here, obscuring the investigation a bit.)

Solution: install libxml2 from unstable; this is actually a downgrade (from libxml2 2.6.32.dfsg-2+lenny to 2.6.32.dfsg-2). I.e. "apt-get install -t unstable libxml2/unstable", but you need to have the unstable sources in apt.sources and use apt pinning (I won't explain that here, check other sources).


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