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Re: What is the best way to manage 3rd party debs?

martin f krafft wrote:
> If you install a third party deb, you should inspect its contents
> exactly to make sure it doesn't touch files in /etc. Also check the
> hooks. If there are no problems, then it's probably safe.

Did you know that dpkg will not install /var/lib/dpkg/info/* if it's in
the package's data.tar.gz? I'm sad that I cannot give that as an example
of an attack such checks will miss, but including files in /dev/* is nearly
as much fun. /proc/acpi/sleep is an amusing file to ship in a deb too.

If you want to run arbitrary code, you need to be more sneaky.. Shipping
a /root/.bashrc or /usr/local/bin/cat is too obvious, instead you can
ship a /lib/i486-linux-gnu/somelib.so. (The linker won't use it until
something else eventually runs ldconfig but this just hides that your
package is what causes the eventual breakage.) 

Be sure to include some /var/run/*.pid files, with a pid of 1 of course,
so that stopping daemons causes the system to reboot. Including 
a /tmp/.X11-unix/X0 will mess up the running X nicely.

BTW, including /bin/sh in a package won't work due to overwrite
checking, but you can include /usr/bin/awk and replace the symlink to
alternatives, since that symlink is not in a package. Finally,
installing a 'sl' or other typo-squatting command is always an option.

If these examples didn't make sense to someone, don't install third party
packages from untrusted sources, no matter how much checking you do..

see shy jo

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