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Re: can't configure networking for static IP address

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s. keeling wrote:
> Vwaju <lou@manhattanhandyman.com>:
>>  Given that this server is just a lab project (with no critical data),
>>  what's the worst that could happen?
> Perhaps some smart Russian/Chinese/... finds it and turns it into a
> bot master, or starts attacking DoD systems with it, or turns it into
> a clandestine p2p site bringing the MafiAA down on you.  Have fun.
And then he's partially responsible for leaving his system open (if i
leave my car unlocked and someone steals it, no way insurance is paying
up but that person still goes to jail). Perhaps he gathers some
information on the clandestine party, perhaps he helps them come to justice.

Perhaps nothing bad happens! He's behind a nat gateway, and long before
he's offering services, his box needs to become publically routable ;)

- --
Rich Healey -              healey.rich@gmail.com
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