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Anybody using FireGPG[1] here? I am having problem. I've created the
gpg file with gpg.

Here's my .gnupg directory consist of:
za@kafka:~/.gnupg$ ls -l
total 32
-rw------- 1 za za 9154 2008-08-10 14:08 gpg.conf
-rw------- 1 za za  636 2008-08-10 14:10 pubring.gpg
-rw------- 1 za za  636 2008-08-10 14:10 pubring.gpg~
-rw------- 1 za za  600 2008-08-10 14:10 random_seed
-rw------- 1 za za 1325 2008-08-10 14:10 secring.gpg
-rw------- 1 za za 1280 2008-08-10 14:10 trustdb.gpg

Then I add the pubring.gpg file to FireGPG option. The error message
which shown is:
Error : FireGPG is unable to access the gpg executable. Make sure GPG
is installed or specify the path in the preferences.

I've put the pubring.gpg ont the right path. Anybody can give me some
hints? Thanks!

Zaki Akhmad

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