On 06/29/2008 11:53 PM, Jonathan Jacobs wrote:
[...] Ps. On a second note similar to the first. The reason why I am going to www.lexmark.com is to download an updated driver for my printer. I have a lex T630 printer and the box recognizes it as such. But, when I try to pick out the driver for it. The numbers do not match with what I have. I go do the site and download the latest. The box still does not have the correct numbers. Before I try lex support, I thought I would try you wonderful people lol.
I don't know quite what you mean when you say "the numbers do not match," but this may help you: http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=site%3Alexmark.com+T630+driver&ei=UTF-8&fr=moz2
Click the first link. Lexmark's website is "suboptimal" at both searching and finding relevant information, but Yahoo does "search" for a living.
http://downloads.lexmark.com/cgi-perl/downloads.cgi?ccs=229:1:0:359:0:0&searchLang=en&os_group=DebianGNU&target=I certainly hope this helps. BTW, I went to www.lexmark.com with both Javascript and Flash turned off.